Rahvusvahelise koostööprojekti Coastal and Dune Management Eesti ja Läti õppereis

10.-14. septembril 2018. a. toimub rahvusvahelise koostööprojekti Coastal and Dunes Management (Rannikuala arendamine) õppereis Eestisse ja Lätti.

Õppereisi ajakava:

10. September 

15:30-17:30 Arrival to Tallinn

17:30 transport to LAG area from Tallinn Airport

18:00 Visit to Vääna-Jõesuu beach in Harku municipality, Environmental Specialist of Harku municipality Lembe Reiman talks about management of beach and investments that municipality has done in the beach area in last years. 

19:00 Visit to Kloogaranna beach in Lääne-Harju municipality, Ülar Jõesaar from Kloogaranna Society talks about uniqueness, history and nowaday of the beach.

21:00 Welcome dinner in Laulasmaa Spa hotel

11. September 

9:30 Visit to Western-Harju Municipality, introduction of the municipality, it’s activities and projects in coastal area. Mayor of the Western-Harju county Jaanus Saat, PR specialist Egle Kaur.

11:00 Hiking from Paldiski to Pakri lighthouse(approx 5 km), visit to the lighthouse. Manager of the lighthouse, Andrus Kuiva. 

13:00 Lunch in tavern Peetri Toll, guided excursion of exhibition of historical swords and daggers. Manager of Peetri Toll, Jelena Maljutina 

14:30 Visit to Lohusalu port, port manager Valdo Taumann

15:15 Visit Fisherman's Shed of Kase Ants, guide Ülle Krabo

16:00 Nature walking route around Keila-Joa waterfall, guide Heiki Hõimoja

17:00 Five O'Clock Te ain Keila-Joa Schloss Fall, visit to Schloss museum and exhibitions 

20:00 Dinner in Günther Cafe in Laulasmaa 

12. September

9:30 Departure from Laulasmaa

9:30-12:00 Steering group meeting on the way

12:00 Meeting Lepanina hotel with EstLat project Coastal Hiking, project manager Lauma Strode

13:00 Lunch in Lepanina hotel 

17:00 Arrival to Latvia, check-in the rooms of hotel Villa Anna  

20:00 Welcome dinner in hotel Villa Anna 

Evening trip to Engure – A visit to the park of Zušuciems (Eel village)

13. September 

9:00 Arrival to Engure

9:30 Seminar of experience exchange at Engures Saieta nams(Engure Community Centre)

Sustainable coastal management from an environmental perspective, Kārlis Lapiņš, Senior Stare inspector pf Riga region of Environment Protection Management

Analysis of washed out algae in Latvia cost and management plan development, ElīnaKonstantinova, Līga Brīniņa, Association Baltic Coasts

Engure municipality, Vaiva Ostrovska, municipality of Engure

The occurrence of macrophytales in the Baltic Sea coast of Latvia and their significance in nature, Maija Balode  & Solvita Strāķe, Association Baltic Coasts

Usage of algae biowaste, Iluta Skruzkalne, algoritm

Coffee, tea, snacks

12:00 Visit to Lapmežciems. Inspection on pathways and plankways to the sea at the Gausā Jūdze (Slow Mile) in Lapmežciems, made of sustainable composite materials. Demo of performance by the sea-manure machine (location will be indicated)

14:30 Lunch at the Šlokenbeka manor

16:00 Visit to the Nature park of Engure(Roberts Šiliņš) and Bērciems (plankway installed on the pontoons in the sea acquired in the framework of the project)

18:00 Return to the Engures Community Centre.

19:00 Dinner at Kalna Žagari

14. September

9:00 Joint work to tidy up the Grey Dune in Engure

11:30 Snacks out in the nature

13:15 Departure to Riga (airport and bus station)


Lisainfo: meetmejuht Ede Teinbas, 58085407, ede@vomentaga.ee

Õppereisi tegevusi kaasrahastatakse Euroopa Maaelu Arengu Põllumajandusfondi LEADER meetmest.

Esmaspäev, 10. September 2018

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